Help Faith Walk Again
Omwueme Faith Chinye
Walking with the help of crutches.
This is Omwueme “Faith” Chinye. She is 26 years old, a college student with big dreams of owning a business someday. About a year and a half ago, Faith began having difficulty with her hip. The pain got worse and worse. Finally, she was diagnosed with Avascular Necrosis – a condition that effects hips, knees, shoulders, spine and wrists. It occurs when blood flow to a bone is cut off, resulting in the death of affected bone tissue. As the condition worsened, Faith lost the ability to walk without aid and had to drop out of school. She was sent to live with her cousin, Doctor Awunor who is the president of Anioma Medical Professional Forum – a group of volunteer medical providers that supports OMIWA Foundation free medical missions. For the past one year, the family has tried unsuccessfully to raise the funds for the hip replacement surgery until a fateful encounter with Mr. Okenyi, the President of Omiwa Foundation. As Mr. Okenyi would later recall, he was visiting Dr. Awunor and saw Faith sitting in the living-room with a walker in front of her. He later asked Dr. Awunor about the young lady and was told of the illness and lack of funds to help Faith regain mobility. Although OMIWA Foundation has never taken on an individual medical need of this nature, Mr. Okenyi felt that for all the countless hours the Awunor family has sacrificed into helping thousands of people in rural impoverished communities, this is one way to help them in return. He discussed the issue with the board members and got the blessings to proceed with a special fund drive to help Faith walk again
Thanks to the contributions of our generous donors, we were able to come up with the funds needed for hip replacement surgery for Faith! Hopefully this will allow her to move forward, and she will be able to realize her dream of becoming a chef/caterer.